My faith is woven into the fabric of who I am. I believe that it should dictate every big and small decision that I make in my life. I try to live in a way that reflects this belief. I am not perfect (no one is perfect), so I get off track and make mistakes. But God is always there with loving arms to get me back on track.
I am a Christian. I believe that there is one God and that He created the world and everything in it (including me!!). I believe that although He is a huge amazing God, He still desires a personal relationship with me. I believe that when a person dies, their spirit will either go to heaven or to hell. In order for a person's spirit to go to heaven they must believe that Jesus Christ is God's son. After sin entered the world, God sent His son to earth and He died on a cross for our sins. If I ask for forgiveness and accept Him as the boss of my life, then I will be a changed person. The Holy Spirit lives inside a person who has asked God to save them and He will help guide and direct you. I know this must sound so bizarre to a person who has never heard it. As a child, I realized that Jesus Christ died on the cross for my sins and I wanted to accept that free gift.
God is in control of everything, but He also gives us the ability to make choices for ourselves. I guess that seems like an oxymoron, but it is true. When He created us He chose to give us a mind of our own instead of puppets always doing exactly what He wants. God loves me more than anyone on this planet. He has a plan for my life and living inside that plan gives indescribable joy. God also gives us tools to know His plan for our life. God speaks through the Bible, through the Holy Spirit, and also through other people in our life.
Like I said before Christianity can sound so bizarre, but that is where FAITH comes in. I can't explain everything, but I know that it is true. I believe that I can never lose my salvation. I may drift away from God, but He is always there. As a growing Christian, I desire to love other people, help them in their troubles, and tell them where my joy comes from. I honestly do not know how unbelievers go through the trials that this world throws at us. It makes me sad that they feel alone and unloved in the chaos that they are experiencing.
I believe that being a member of any certain denomination is not a prerequisite for being saved and living in heaven for eternity. The only requirement is to believe in Jesus Christ and surrender the lead of your life over to Him. I am excited about all the people who will be in heaven from many different denominations.
My purpose in life is to share God's love with the people around me. I don't always succeed in that goal, but God loves and accepts me the way that I am. He never gives up on me. That makes it all worth it.