Tori had a great birthday weekend! Thursday was actually her birthday, so it started off with pancakes made by her daddy with a candle in them. Then Robert spent the whole day with her at school because he signed up to be a Watch Dog Dad and decided it would be special to sign up to take his shift on her birthday. She was so excited to have him at school with her all day. Then Thursday night we cooked her a meal of her choice: taquitos. She got to open her presents from us Thursday night after dinner.
She loves the movie, Despicable Me. Her cousins have it and we watched
it ten million times over Christmas break. |
This is the coolest diary ever. The lock is voice activated. It records your voice saying the password and that's how you unlock it. Then on the inside it has a pen that only shows up when you shine the blue-light on it that is included in the diary. This thing is super cool!! |
Then the super fun started! Friday night she had five of her closest friends over for a sleepover. She has always wanted to have a sleepover, but I always told her that she had to be at least seven. In a moment of weakness when I was obviously temporarily insane, I decided that it would be fun to let her have a sleepover for her birthday! :) Seriously, it was actually tons of fun and the girls were so well behaved and there were no arguments, tears, or drama. I will say that there was ALOT of praying on my part! :) So, what do six seven year olds do at a sleepover you might ask? Well, they play board games, eat lots of pizza, then eat lots of cake. They make fun crafts, then they dance to Barbie songs, eat lots of popcorn, watch movies, and then they finally GO TO SLEEP!!!! There was also a whole lot of giggling and tickling going on in between. Do you know what happens when you put a straw under your arm and then blow into the other end? It makes the same sound as a whoopy cushion. Speaking of, I did also see one of those come out at one point! :) They were all so sweet to each other and played well together.
This is the girls making sleep shirts. |
The girls were so cute dancing to the Barbie Mermaid Tale song! |
I thought her cake turned out so cute! I can't take was made by a friend
who goes to church with me. Let me tell you, this cake not only was pretty, it tasted sooo good! |
Pizza! Yum! |
All the sleeping bags spread out in the living room floor!!
Then Saturday after all her friends got picked up, we drove to our hometown to celebrate her birthday with our families. Robert's whole family and my whole family all still live in the same town that we are from, so it's just easier to go to them than ask all them to drive to us. Saturday afternoon my sister-in-law gave her a spa treatment and painted her toes and fingernails. She has also been wanting to get her haircut shorter, so later that night Robert's dad (who is a barber) cut her hair.
This is last minute documentation of her long hair before it got cut off. I'll have to post an
after picture later. |
My mom cooked Sunday lunch for my whole family and Tori got to pick the menu. My brothers and their families usually always eat Sunday lunch together at my mom's house, but when someone has a birthday, we always get to pick the menu and the meal is in celebration of the occasion. Tori chose chicken spaghetti!
All the grandkids (except one) on my side of the family enjoying Sunday lunch! The oldest
grandkid had to leave to go to winter guard practice.
Then later Sunday afternoon, Robert's family came over to my mom's house and we had a birthday party for Tori!
Tori and Katie |
This is Tori with all her first cousins (except the one that had to leave)
Tori loves her family and friends so much, so I am glad that everyone got to help her celebrate her birthday! |