Friday, March 11, 2011

Finally, the bed is complete!

I blogged awhile back about my mom's baby doll bed that Tori and I were going to paint for her American Girl doll, Lacey.  Well, after several coats of primer and a coat of's complete!  Lacey has moved in her new establishment and I think she likes it! :)



AFTER (I don't know why this picture is pink.  I guess becaue the sun was coming
through the pink curtains in Tori's room.

Tori and I found this hat and jacket in one of my childhood suitcases that was up in the top of her closet.  It was my mom's and I'm assuming that it fit some doll that she had as a little girl.  It appears to be homemade, so I'm pretty sure that my grandmother made it.  I love it and it fits Lacey perfectly!!  We also found some homemade
Barbie clothes.  They are so cool!  Maybe we will have a fashion show and snap some pictures.  :)  I think I secretly have as much fun as Tori when we play......shhhhhh, don't tell anyone!!