This entry is going to piggyback off my last courage builder. Like I mentioned in the last entry, our realtor was also in the Sunday school class that the couple we met at the park was telling us about. She was very friendly and was a good friend to me. I don't know if you've ever had to visit a new church home, but it can be very intimating and scary even to the most outgoing person. Once we got moved into our new house, she invited us to visit the Sunday School class with her and her husband. They were very hospitable to us, even having us over for dinner and answering any questions that we had about the church. Their was one couple that she kept saying that we had to meet, because she thought that we would have a lot in common. I knew that God had led us to visit that church, but I didn't have a complete peace yet that it was our new home. After visiting the class for several weeks, one Sunday morning I prayed that God would give me a sign as to whether or not we were supposed to join this church family. If God didn't speak to me that morning at church, then I was going to take that as a sign to visit other churches. As we were walking out of class, someone asked if we had met a certain couple that had not been there since we had been visiting. We said no, so they introduced was the couple that the realtor had told us that we should meet. Can I say instant soul mates??!!!! The only explanation is that it was a "God thing." Let me share a little of their story. The guy is Hispanic and grew up in California. He moved to a small town in Arkansas when he was around 15. He ended up marrying a "white" girl (as we refer to ourselves) from that small town. Does any of this sound familiar?????? It is truly uncanny how much we have in common. Our guys became like instant brothers. They had never met anyone who knew exactly what they experienced as a teenager moving from California to what felt like the end of the world to them-----Arkansas. And I had never met anyone who knew without me explaining the strengths and struggles of mixing American and Mexican American cultures together. We really aren't friends......we're family. We love spending time together and enjoy hanging out with each other's extended family as well. So, God answered my prayer that Sunday morning. He told me I better stay put. :)
He's going to love I posted a picture with his eyes closed!! :) This is their oldest daughter. Tori and her go to the same school. She has the teacher that Tori had last year! This is when their youngest daughter was born. |
Another picture of their oldest daugther |
This is a more recent picture of their youngest. She is almost two!! |
Thank you God for the good friends that you have put in my life.