Monday, May 2, 2011

Weekend Excitement

This weekend my mom and my brother's family all came up to spend some time with us.  Robert and I have several projects around the house that we would like to get done before summertime and one of those is to build and organize a shed in our backyard.  Right now 1/2 of our garage serves as our shed, but we really need that room to move our gym equipment out of the house.  We are working towards creating more room inside our home for when we adopt.  My brother is very good at carpentry stuff and he volunteered to come up and help with the shed.  They got the base constructed which is the hardest part and now (if it will ever stop raining) Robert can do the rest (we bought a building kit that you just have to put it together).

The shed is going in the back corner of our yard....can't tell you how excited I am to finally be getting a shed!
I have wanted one for quite some time.

Luckily, the rain held off and the guys were able to finish the floor.  By dark on Saturday night they were ready to begin assembling the actual building.  They had said that they wanted to keep working until they finished it.  So, around 8:00 pm  they had just gotten flood lights set up, so they could see what they were doing when the unplanned happened.......

You see, inside the house, the ladies were watching the Royal Wedding on DVR while the kiddos were playing around in the playroom.  Everything was happy and bliss until we heard a loud shriek and cry coming from Carson.  So, I ran in there and picked him up off the floor.............he kept crying and crying and once we sat him down on the couch we realized that he could not move his arm and he was in a lot of pain.  Once he calmed down he told us that he had jumped off the computer desk chair onto the carpeted floor head (and arm) first.  Not exactly sure what he was trying to accomplish by that, but his arm did not like it.

I ran outside and got the guys.  My brother used to work at a vet clinic and Robert's friend who was helping is a pharmacist.  So, we immediately gave him Tylenol and my brother splinted it.  Then Robert and I rushed him to the emergency room.  It is horrible to see your child in pain and there is no way that you can help them.  Sure enough, his arm was broken!!

He got a temporary cast at the ER and then they scheduled us an appointment for today to get the real cast.
This was our first experience with broken bones in either of our children.  It was amazing that once they secured his arm, he didn't hurt anymore and was even joking around with the doctor and nurse.  He was excited to be getting a sling and immediately said that he wanted a green cast!!  On Sunday at church he showed it off very proudly!! :) 

My mom, brother, and his family went to church with us on Sunday morning.

Sunday night the kids were in a musical at church.  Carson looked so pitiful in his sling.  :(
They did a great job singing, though.
Today he got the real cast.  He will have to wear it for 4 weeks probably.  He turns five years old on Wednesday, so I keep telling people that he almost made it to five with no broken bones.  That would have been quite an accomplishment, because he is always climbing on things and jumping off things.  So it would have been a miracle if he had made it all the way to five; he missed it by only four days!  Ha,ha!

One last picture with the temporary cast before getting the permanent one.

This is the nurse putting the cast on him.

Yeah!  A green cast!  The doctor said that he would heal up just fine; it would just take a few weeks.
Needless to say, the shed project got put on hold with the other excitement of the night.  And it rained all day on Sunday, so they didn't get to work on the shed then.  Hopefully Robert can work on it this week once it dries up a little.  I will try to remember to post a picture of the finished project.  :)