Sunday, February 6, 2011

3-O in the Snow!

So, Friday was my birthday.  It was one of the big was the 3-0 milestone.  Up until now all the milestones have been exciting.  You know, 13--you are a teenager; 16--you get to drive, 18--you are officially an adult, 21--you can drink legally (have to admit I didn't really run out and use this new advantage).  But can someone older than me please explain how it gets any better from 30 on!!  I see no major milestones to look forward to....guess that's part of getting older that I will just have to accept.  My mom put it in to perspective for me when she asked me, "Well Ellen, what's the alternative to turning 30?"  Yeh, I should be thanking God for giving me another year of life in which I have my health and so many blessings!!  So, it's really not that bad.  I'm actually fine now and embracing this new decade with grace!! :)

But on Friday?  Not so much.  I have to admit it was a very tough day! Let me explain.  You see, it snowed on my birthday and that would have been super fun if it had been on any normal non-milestone birthday and if it hadn't already snowed tons this winter.  But on Friday, that meant that I was stuck in the house......and my brain had no distractions from the blaring truth.  Yes, I was getting older and yes, I was entering into my 30s.  See, I would have been fine if I could have just gotten out and done something fun to keep me busy.  Instead I was stuck in my house with laundry that needed to be folded, clutter that needed to be straightened, and kiddos that were bored out of their mind that needed to be occupied. It was quite depressing. 

You see, my husband had anticipated my birthday and had been planning something special for me.  What he did not anticipate was the snow.  So, his special plans that he had been planning for weeks got thrown out the window.  He quickly rescheduled the plans for Saturday night and called several of my close friends to let them know that the changes had been changed.  Well, they didn't want to spoil the surprise and let something slip, so they basically avoided talking to me on Friday.  Again, I did not know about any of these plans.  So, imagine me, in the depressive state that I was.  I really needed a friend and all my close friends were avoiding me.  I may or may not have gone in the closet and cried several times during the day.  I'm telling you, it was a bad day.  On Saturday night when I learned the surprise, it all made since why my friends had avoided me and I realized that indeed my husband and my friends did love me. 

Had it not birthday would have been perfect, but through the experience I learned that my husband really loves me (or he would not put up with me when I am an emotional basket case) and I have really great friends!  I've heard people say that their 30s were their best years.  I'm banking on it!!

My mom got to spend several days with us to help celebrate my birthday!!

This is the "make-shift" celebration with just my mom and my immediate family on Friday.  We went to Wal-mart right before dinner and bought a cake mix.  My sweet husband did make me dinner and a cake. 
He was trying so hard to cheer me up!

Yeah, the celebration was a success!  Yes, that is a Twilight cake. 
It was just a joke....well, mainly!  ;)