After they came in they were soooooo cold! Their faces, hands, and feet were all red! They asked for some snowman soup and their mom (who had stayed in the house the whole time and documented the fun through the window) quickly obliged.
Matthew 5:13 says, "You are the salt of the earth." I used to think it meant that Christians made the world flavorful. Now I know that salt was used in Bible times to preserve things from rotting. Christians know how to preserve people for eternity. So as a Christian, God has called me to share my life with others and tell them what He has done for me. That is what this blog is about. I hear His loving voice in this verse saying to me, "Pass the salt, please."
Sunday, January 9, 2011
We had a great morning at church and stayed for a children's production during lunch that our children's ministry has once a month. So, it was about 1:30 by the time we got home. The kids did not want to take a nap, but since it was not snowing yet, I won out! They had just gotten their comfy clothes on when it started to drizzle a little snow. By the time they woke up, it was a winter wonderland! Robert and the kids went out and played for awhile. 

After they came in they were soooooo cold! Their faces, hands, and feet were all red! They asked for some snowman soup and their mom (who had stayed in the house the whole time and documented the fun through the window) quickly obliged.

After peeling off the wet clothes, they snuggled up on the couch in the zip-up pjs and enjoyed the hot cocoa. The forecast calls for more snow, school is already cancelled for tomorrow, and my kids have plans for a really big snowman. I don't think that I'm going to get lucky enough to stay warm again tomorrow. Guess I better be finding me some warm gloves. ;)
After they came in they were soooooo cold! Their faces, hands, and feet were all red! They asked for some snowman soup and their mom (who had stayed in the house the whole time and documented the fun through the window) quickly obliged.