My most recent attempt to blog more regularly has failed, but I will continue to try. I think that my problem is that the block of time that I have delegated for computer stuff (email, facebook, blog reading, etc.) is right after the kids have been tucked in their beds, while Robert is showering and getting ready for work the next day. This works well, because our computer is in our extra bedroom on the same side of the house as the kids, so I am near to them if they need me. Once the kids are asleep, then Robert and I are able to hang out and spend time together. Anyway, the problem with this plan is that by 8:00 at night any ounce of wittiness or creativity that I might possess is exhausted and gone. So, I usually just read other people's witty posts and snoop through people's pictures on facebook. :) And never write the things that I want to on my own blog. It's also probably due to the fact that I am a perfectionist; but a very bad perfectionist. It's seldom actually perfect. Ok, it's never really perfect, so it's easier to not try to write, then fear that it will be stupid or dumb. Maybe my new year's resolution should be to get up earlier and post in the mornings...........uhm, no, that's probably not going to happen.
2011--My new year's resolutions are the same as they have been the past three years. It will probably be these three things that rest of my life, because once I get these things down, life will be perfect. Drum roll, please. #1. Exercise more #2. Have my quiet time daily. #3. Go to bed earlier and get up earlier. There you have it. My big three. I know that I won't be successful everyday, but I figure that it's worth pursuing. Everyday that I do succeed will put me one day closer to being the person that I would like to be.
I'll end with some pics from 2010. I'm going through all my pics on our computer from 2010 and making Victoria a memory photo album of her from the year for her birthday in February. I used to scrapbook until I was introduced to the albums that you can make online through Wal-mart (think you can make them through Shutterfly also). They are so cool looking and so much cheaper and faster than scrapbooking! Don't tell my husband how much money is invested in all
those scrapbook supplies in the closet! ;)