Thursday, January 20, 2011


Don't have a lot to say tonight, just thinking a lot about my friends who are in Peru right now.  They have been there for two weeks and will start the journey home soon to be back on Saturday.  You can read more about their trip at the Project Peru blog on the right.  I am praying that their trip went well and for their safety as they travel home.

During the summer of 2009, I went to Peru with a group from my church.  We worked in an orphanage as well as held medical clinics for the village people.  I have always had a passion for hispanics and have loved learning about different hispanic cultures and countries.  I quickly feel in love with these people.  After coming home, I convinced my husband that he had to go back with me the next year.  So, this past summer, Robert and I both got to go and spend a week with the people there in Cajamarca.  It is hard to describe and to put into words the emotions that I feel about these people and the experiences that I had there.   I would like to sometime try to explain here on my blog what I saw, heard, felt, tasted, smelled, etc.

This is my friend, Jhon, that I met at the orphanage in Cajamarca, Peru, summer 2009.
This is my friend, Jhon, and three of his friends that I got to hang out
with when I went back summer 2010.