Thursday, January 3, 2013

Dear Journal

Dear Journal,
As I read back over entries from my childhood journal, I realized that I still feel like that same person.  I can remember thinking back then that me at thirty would be some foreign stranger, an adult with little in common with the child. 
I wonder if twenty years from now I will look back on these entries and feel the same way.  I wonder if I will still feel like the same person as I am now, only see more wrinkles when I look in the mirror!  :)  I love you, 50 year old, Ellen.  Don't get depressed and feel "old."  Live life to the fullest---think of Lisa Brewer.  You are only as old as you feel and act--young will shine through your eyes and smile.  Being happy--that comes from a walk with God.  I hope and pray that life don't beat me down. 
I have experienced some heartache in life the past twenty years and have not allowed it to define who I am.  I pray that whatever the next twenty years holds, I will be able to see my life through God's eyes.  BE BEAUTIFUL--inside and out.