Matthew 5:13 says, "You are the salt of the earth." I used to think it meant that Christians made the world flavorful. Now I know that salt was used in Bible times to preserve things from rotting. Christians know how to preserve people for eternity. So as a Christian, God has called me to share my life with others and tell them what He has done for me. That is what this blog is about. I hear His loving voice in this verse saying to me, "Pass the salt, please."
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Story Time at Church
Yesterday the kids and I went to our first story time at church. It started at 9:30 and I was very proud of myself for successfully getting us all dressed, fed, and there on time. We are not experienced in having to get up early and get going, so it was a good practice for us. I wasn't sure if Carson would sit still during the story and singing or if I would have to chase him around. Luckily, he sat in my lap and never moved. I think that it was really good for him. When I try to read him a book, he pulls at the pages, etc. and it is almost impossible to get through a story. Since he could not reach the book that the teacher was reading, he just sat in my lap and listened. It was only his first time, though. So, when he gets more comfortable with the whole situation, I may have a runner on my hands. Here is a picture of us making our craft.