Matthew 5:13 says, "You are the salt of the earth." I used to think it meant that Christians made the world flavorful. Now I know that salt was used in Bible times to preserve things from rotting. Christians know how to preserve people for eternity. So as a Christian, God has called me to share my life with others and tell them what He has done for me. That is what this blog is about. I hear His loving voice in this verse saying to me, "Pass the salt, please."
Saturday, September 8, 2007
Story Time at Church
Yesterday the kids and I went to our first story time at church. It started at 9:30 and I was very proud of myself for successfully getting us all dressed, fed, and there on time. We are not experienced in having to get up early and get going, so it was a good practice for us. I wasn't sure if Carson would sit still during the story and singing or if I would have to chase him around. Luckily, he sat in my lap and never moved. I think that it was really good for him. When I try to read him a book, he pulls at the pages, etc. and it is almost impossible to get through a story. Since he could not reach the book that the teacher was reading, he just sat in my lap and listened. It was only his first time, though. So, when he gets more comfortable with the whole situation, I may have a runner on my hands. Here is a picture of us making our craft.
The Flower Girl
Two of my best friends from growing up are both getting married in the next couple of months and Victoria is going to get to be a flower girl in both weddings. She is very excited and I was also excited that they wanted her to do it. Last week we went up to David Bridal's to try on her dress for one of the weddings. She looked so pretty--not that I'm biast at all!!! She thought she was a princess and danced around the whole time she had it on. She gets shy in front of lots of people sometimes, so I hope that when it's time for her to go down the isle, she doesn't get scared.
Monday, September 3, 2007
Raising Godly Children
Before I had children of my own, I was very confident in my expertise in raising children. I have great parents who I feel did a great job raising me and I have a degree in elementary education. That must qualify me to be an expert in the area of children. I can remember sometimes seeing a mom at the mall or at a restaurant and thinking how she obviously was uneducated, because of a certain way she was reponding to her child. I can recall the phrase, "When I have kids......" coming out of my mouth more times than I care to remember. And then it happened. I had kids of my own. My clear view of the right and wrong way of raising children started to get fuzzy. It is so easy to sit back and look at a someone else's situation and decide objectively what the most educated course of action would be. It is quite another to be tired, frustrated, hungry, hot, "experiencing monthly hormones", or any other distraction and be able to respond in a Godly, wise way in every situation. Dealing with my own children has not been objective. It is extremely subjective. I have often wondered if my intense love for them has sometimes hindered my ability to discipline them with a sound mind. Love makes a person blind. So, I pray that God will allow me to see my children as they truly are. I also pray that he will give me wisdom to teach them the things that will have eternal value. If I fail to teach them how to go to sleep in their own bed, how to eat their vegetables, how to be polite and mannerly in every situation, but succeed in teaching them that God is big enough to create the world, but kind enough to stop and whisper in their ear, then maybe that will be enough.
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